Beyonce’s Unedited Vocals


I originally was going to have my first post back be an in-depth review of social networking today or reflect on Earth Day… but this was just too good to pass up!

Beyonce was performing a song live on the TODAY show and apparently her vocals are feed through a soundboard that adjusts her pitch before it goes out.  Some spiteful enterprising person was able to record her original, unedited vocals, allegedly.  Take a listen if you can take the pain but make sure that dogs and/or small children aren’t in the room.



P.S.  This may be a hoax so please don’t sue if it is.


shanti said...

this is a hoax. as a recording artist myself, it is impossible to be that off and have a pitch corrector fix it. it actually sounds like someone took her vocal line and chose very odd pitches. most performers use some kind of pitch corrector but you have to be somewhat good already for it to work properly. so, interesting but completely crap

JMWilliams said...

Not sure if anyone could say it's impossible. It would be interesting to get some feedback from a sound engineer.